VISIT OF Dr. Evgueni Victorovich Poliakov, a consultant of World Bank and FAO to Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University, Mulugu (V&M), Siddipet District.
As per the Instructions of DDG (Education), ICAR, New Delhi, Dr. Evgueni Victorovich Poliakov, a World Bank and FAO Economic Development Consultant, with 30+ years of experience in regional economics, impact evaluation, international trade, and econometric estimation has visited Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University, Mulugu (V&M), Siddipet District on 21-06-2023 and held parleys with Dr. B.Neeraja Prabhakar, Vice-Chancellor and University Officers along with faculty regarding University’s research and extension activities as well as World Bank-sponsored ICAR CAAST-NAHEP Project being run at the University.
Dr.B.Neeraja Prabhakar has briefed the guest on University's profile and its significance and acheivements. Dr. N. Seenivasan, COE, CO-PI, NAHE Project has presented the gist of activities and targets achieved under NAHE Project at College of Horticulture, Mojerla.
Dr. A.Bhagwan, Director of Research, SKLTSHU provided an overview of the university's efforts in sustainable horticulture and their significant outcomes to the visitor. He cited various research initiatives including germplasm wealth, integrated nutrient management, biofertilizers, integrated pest management strategies, post-harvest handling methods, mechanization and value addition in different horticultural crops.
Dr. A. Kiran Kumar, Director of Extension, discussed about the university's extensive outreach program and role of KVK in building strong connection between scientists and farmers. He presented different components of extension activities like FLDs, OFTs, Field days and TOT activities.
A productive exchange of ideas on education, research and outreach took place. Touching upon research and extension, Dr. Poliakov emphasized that the effectiveness and efficiency of the technology dissemination and its reach to the farming community and stakeholders is vital and which largely determines the economic returns to any University. Hence, the ultimate goal is to develop and optimize this system. He was keen to understand the factors underpinning the adoption rate of the technology and methods to follow-up of University extension outreach activities.
After the interaction with the officials of the University, he was accompanied to visit The Kondapochamma Reservoir, Siddipet District and Centre of Excellence on Fruits, Mulugu (V&M), Siddipet District. Dr. A. Bhagwan, Registrar, Dr.A.Kiran Kumar, DH, Dr.M.Rajasekhar, DPGS & Dr. N. Seenivasan, COE and other officials of University have accompanied the delegate.